Thursday, January 5, 2023

Top Five Goals of 2023

 Hello again, fellow bloggers! Hope this post finds you keeping up with those goals as we head to the end of our first week of 2023.

Speaking of goals I wanted to share my top 5 goals of 2023. I have many smaller goals, but these are the three big ones that I am focusing on the most.

1. Lose weight

I do have a specific number in mind that I am keeping private. I am implementing small changes and some bigger ones to reach this goal. I have struggled with my weight for most of my life. I would like to finally break the vicious cycle and shed those unwanted pounds by creating sustainable life changes.

2. Pay off current debt

We currently have quite a bit of debt in personal loans and credit cards. We are fortunate enough not to have a car loan or mortgage at this time. these pesky debts that we carry now have no place in our future. So, I plan for us to eliminate these as we move through 2023. At present moment there are a total of 8 debts that must be eliminated.

3. Finish our house

We have been working on updating and repairing my mother's house since it became mine. There is still quite a bit of work to do, but we are cash flowing, so it has been moving a bit slowly. We are hoping to speed that process up and finish our house so we can get moved in.

4. Write a novel

If you have been to my YouTube channel, read any past posts before I deleted them, or know me in real life...Then you know that this has been a dream of mine since I could hold a pen. I want to write a novel. 

5. Travel More

My husband and I love to travel, but don't get to do it nearly as much as we would like. So my final goal in the top 5 is to travel more. I have several places I would love to visit. Traveling more would include camping, day trips, weekend trips, and the bigger trips. This is very important to us so we would like to make it a reality. I mean, life is just too short and the world is so big!

That covers my top 5 goals of 2023. I look forward sharing my journey with you. I am also sharing daily things over on my Instagram. You can find me @jaimebarfield

Have a beautiful weekend!

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